By: Tim Francis
Tech Expo Committee

The 17th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (Tech Expo) will be a featured at the 2019 Louisville Conference & Stage Expo in March. Share your creative solutions to production challenges with other members of the USITT community by participating in the Tech Expo.

Have you developed a unique device, process, tool, or technique? Have you found a creative use for a new (or old) material that others might find useful?

The Tech Expo Committee invites ideas from all facets of the entertainment industry: scenery, scenic art, costumes, properties, lighting, sound, stage management, etc. If it’s a good idea, share it with your peers.

Past exhibits have included: An “iron” corset made from a felted sweater; a realistic and interactive LED candle; polyurethane cold foam mask-making; 3D printer break-away table hardware; homemade CNC router table.

Tech Expo is a juried exhibition, and several of the accepted entries will receive special recognition and publication in TD&T. The application process is simple: Put together an article of 500 to 1,000 words describing the entry and submit it along with a maximum of six drawings and/or photographs and the application form. Selected entrants will be asked to prepare an exhibit to be displayed at Stage Expo. The accompanying articles will be published in the 2019 Tech Expo Catalog.

The application form, submission instructions and an index of previous Tech Expo entries can be found here.

The submissions are due Oct. 15, 2018, so embrace another deadline!

For more information, contact Tim Francis, Tech Expo Committee chair through email or by phone at (210)-999-8586.