By Erin Joy Swank, Portfolio Review Coordinator
Applying for a job can be a bit scary, though exciting. How can you show the best side of yourself and your accomplishments thus far? Take advantage of a free opportunity during the USITT 2017 Conference in St. Louis to present your portfolio and have professional reviewers provide their feedback. Registration is now available, for both presenters and volunteer reviewers.
Reviews are available for all conference attendees, from student to seasoned professional. Areas of interest are arts management, costume design & technology, education (including tenure candidate review), lighting design, production management, properties design, scene design, scenic art, scenography, sound design, stage management, and technical production. All applicants must be registered for the Conference. Presenters who register by Feb. 19 will be guaranteed a time slot*; select slots will be available onsite in St. Louis, but may fill up quickly.
Want to give back to the organization and help someone else with their presentation? We’re also looking for volunteers. As an added bonus, new for 2017, those who dedicate at least an hour to the process (and register by Feb. 1) will be acknowledged with an online bio for their participation.
Sign up now to participate on either side of the table!
*Sound presentations have been expanded this year, but have a cap of nine participants.