Save the most on housing now through February 15 for USITT 2018. We’ve added more hotels to the list to give you more options at discounted prices.
While some hotels are within walking distance, others will have a complimentary Conference shuttle.
Make sure to make your reservations through USITTs housing partner, Connections Housing. Do not book through other companies that may call or email you as we cannot help you if there is a problem with these reservations.
Housing pirates are a problem across the conference and trade show industry. As the Conference & Stage Expo has grown, we are now on the radar screen of some of these companies.
We have a list of known housing pirates and urge you to check this list if you get emails. As much as we try to help when problems arise, it is almost impossible for USITT or our housing partner, Connections Housing, to solve a problem if rooms are incorrect or cancelled.